Monday, July 13, 2009

Best Day Ever!

I had a wonderfully silly time with my son and grandson this weekend. Swimming, doing handstands in the pool and just playing. At one point my grandson, who's 5, said "this is the best day ever!" While that was a great compliment and made me so happy, it got me thinking. How often do we recognize our "best day evers" anymore? Why do we raise our standards so high? When was the last time that I realized at the end of the day how much joy I had experienced that day? Today I am going to appreciate what a great day every day is and find the joy wherever I can.

By the way, many of you probably already know Flight of the Conchords, but for those who don't...have a laugh! You tube video-

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

C'mon and smile!

Let's try enjoying Everything!
clipped from
 blog it

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Taming the Procrastinator in you!!

I have learned some very cool, ridiculously easy tools to overcome procrastination. I will be hosting a free six week teleseminar on how to move your life forward with ease instead of struggle. What would it be like if you could approach your toughest challenges with ease and joy? Would you like to have a neat, organized office? How about a new and completely painless approach to dieting that you have never heard of? These tools work for so many areas where we struggle.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do you often find yourself allowing the emotions of other people to affect you?

This one is a real energy sucker...a person cuts in front of you in traffic. Instead of enjoying your drive time music, you suddenly find yourself using words your kids would love to blackmail you with. When someone does something "to upset you", try this simple trick. Say this to yourself, "That's an interesting point of view...and it has nothing to do with me!"
Often, what the other person did or didn't do has to do with their own background or experience and nothing to do with you. Your reaction to them can be the difference between your joy and getting into the muck with them. Let go of the idea that you have to fix the behaviour of others or to either agree or disagree with them. With practice, you'll find a real freedom using this technique.